リザ・コッシーのインスタグラム(lizakoshy) - 1月26日 11時42分

A year ago from today, an amazing young lady named Alondra Garcia, my hot tamale babe, received the news that she was finally cancer free. Alondra and I have been close since the 6th grade and when she told me she was diagnosed with lymphoma, my heart broke. Many treatments later, even with a beautiful bald head, Alondra kept smiling. I would too if my head was perfectly shaped like hers. She still looks like one fine mamasita even without hair. She's incredibly strong and appreciates life more than anyone I know. She does so much for so many people and expects nothing at all in return but the joy of helping others. She's an inspiration to many, including myself. I love you babe, happy one year anniversary of being cancer free, and to many more years to come. ❤ @fuckkcancer


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
