マイク・ダーントのインスタグラム(mikedirnt) - 1月10日 02時12分

Today we mourn the loss of "Carol Alba Rowland" my birth mother! As many of you know I was adopted. Over the last 10 years I have sought her out with the help of a good friend, only to meet her one month before her passing! I was blessed to have this moment as surreal as it was. The irony of this life never seize to amaze me, being that we were neighbors my entire life! We were able to share a cup of coffee, a cigarette and some smiles. She was a beautiful woman with a huge smile a hot temper and a kind heart. I will miss her as I did before, only now with some memories and a picture to go with the place in my heart! Love you mom!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



