レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 12月25日 06時00分

Looking to improve your inversions? Do THIS! Lots of it! Navasana (and all core work) is the key to a solid handstand practice. Lengthen out of the low back, smile through the collar bones and draw the navel towards the spine. Keep your two big toes together, and rotate the inner thighs down. Inhale to Ardha Navasana, exhale Navasana. Inhale, exhale. Modify if you need to (bent knees/hands at the back of hamstrings/heels on the floor) - make sure you don't lift from the low back! Throw 20-30 of these in every home practice and you'll notice an improvement in your inversion stability in no time. Plus, it'll tone your stomach if that's your thing (but practice yoga for PEACE AND HAPPINESS, not for a six-pack!!)???


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