Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 12月15日 00時36分

Happy birthday to my Soul Sister, @lizzielecaroz!!! ? It's so fun to look back at all the memories I've shared with you! We've gone through soooo many different phases together, and I'm so proud to say that we've seen each other grow as well. In so many ways! Thank you for always being there for me. As in ever since life truly began. It was never hard to run to you whenever I needed someone. And for some reason, being close to you has always been so effortless. It's amazing how we managed to stay friends despite the fact that we were only school mates for a year. Haha! I wanna thank you for being one of the most genuine friends I've ever had. I'm very blessed to have you in my life! You truly are, and always will be, my Soul Sister! ? Happy birthday, love! Hope you have a great one. You deserve it! ?


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