Pete Halvorsenのインスタグラム(petehalvorsen) - 11月26日 07時41分

*่ #farawaystupidpeople*่ So the #fuzzyheadpeet group and I were minding our own business taking photos of each other taking photos (typical instameet tomfoolery). Then we spot Einstein down there climbing up the rock as high tide was rapidly approaching. His friends cheered him on laughing and clapping...then it got real. The laughter stopped, the waves started crashing hard and he was desperate to get off the rock.
We watched as he was trying to find a way off and was finally pushed off the back by a large wave. He miraculously landed in between two rocks into the water and waded quickly to the shore.

I'm #whpgratefulfor not having to swim out and rescue this guy and be forced to give him mouth to mouth.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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