資生堂 Shiseido Group Shiseido Group Official Instagramのインスタグラム(shiseido_corp) - 12月4日 17時21分

Shiseido Company, Limited opened its Shiseido Future University in the company’s birthplace, Ginza, a new talent development facility that will nurture the next generation of Shiseido leaders.
Driven by the company’s philosophy of PEOPLE FIRST, Shiseido has bolstered its investment in human capital based on its belief that people are the most important asset of a company and increase corporate value. 

The Shiseido Future University aims to develop leaders who have a sensitivity to beauty and richness of spirit befitting a beauty company, as well as have the most advanced, global business expertise in order for it to create new value and innovation in Shiseido’s unique way. The University will offer leadership programs originally developed for those who are selected from Shiseido Group companies in Japan and overseas and nurture them into the next generation of Shiseido leaders. 

The principle of the University is “Inspired by our Heritage & Building Our Future (~A leadership empowered to harness our inherited beauty DNA and transform it into a source of energy for the future~). Shiseido will develop future leaders who will deliver exceptional performance through envisioning the future themselves, increasing corporate value and achieving new innovation from a long-term perspective, all the while being inspired by the founder’s aspiration, Shiseido’s DNA, and heritage accumulated over the past 150 years.

次世代の資生堂を担う経営リーダーを育成する施設「Shiseido Future University」が始動しました!
当社は「PEOPLE FIRST」という経営理念のもと、人財が会社にとって最も大切な資産であり、企業価値を高めると信じ、人的資本への投資を強化してきました。

「Shiseido Future University」は、資生堂ならではの価値創造とイノベーションを創出するために、ビューティーカンパニーにふさわしい美への感性や心の豊かさ、最先端のグローバルレベルのビジネス知見を合わせもったリーダーの育成を目指しています。国内外グループ会社から選抜された次世代の経営リーダーとなる人財を中心に、オリジナルのリーダーシッププログラムを実施します。

コンセプトは、「Inspired by our Heritage & Building Our Future(~美の文化遺伝子を持ち合わせ、未来へのエネルギーとして転換できる経営リーダー~)」です。

#beautyinnovationsforabetterworld #資生堂 #人材開発 #人的資本 #人材育成


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