ジェニファー・ニコール・リーのインスタグラム(jennifernicolelee) - 11月29日 07時18分

🏆 All we do is win, win, win! 🌟 I love teaching, presenting, inspiring, and educating others on the importance of living a fit life, mind, body, and spirit! 💪 We had the pleasure of being invited to the multi-million-dollar University of the world-renowned Celebrity School of Beauty right here in the Magic City of Miami! 🌴 YAYA Balarin, and I were able to share our passion for biohacking our beauty and our body with wellness that works! 💫 We met the entire staff, and the students were so open to receiving new innovative ways on how to take their health to the next level!

In our new monthly series, entitled “The Biohacker Class,” we shared our top secrets of how to look and feel your best by biohacking your skin, using only the best products that money can buy! 💆‍♀️ I poured into the students in this master class, showcasing that, even after 20 years of being a leader in the beauty, entertainment, and fitness industry, you are your largest billboard, so you must take care of the vessel, you! 💁‍♀️ We are so thrilled to have inspired the faculty, students, and staff there with our knowledge and also empower all who will have the opportunity to see our future master classes! If you want to become a VIP Queen Bossbabe and enter into the winning circle, contact me ASAP! 💃 If you would like to start biohacking your beauty and body, please visit www.jnlbiohack.com or let us serve you as your VIP consultants and CONCIERGE. Please also follow Yaya Balarin on her IG here. 🌟 We are going higher and glowing brighter. 💫

#Bossbabe #CEO #MasterClass #Teacher #Presenter #Prolific #Impactful #Insightful #Liquid #Biocell #QueensWho #Collagen #Bossbabes #Educators #TheFutureOfCollagenIsHere #FitLife #Wellness #MiamiMagic #VIPQueen #BiohackerBeauty #BeautySecrets #MindBodySpirit #HealthAnd


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