Rock Soundのインスタグラム(rocksound) - 11月25日 20時43分

Bad Omens frontman Noah Sebastian has opened up about the band’s new music plans

“With the fourth album, we want to reinvent ourselves. We don’t want to keep writing or milking the same style or sound that we made with ‘The Death Of Peace Of Mind’. We want to do new stuff. And most of our fans want new stuff. It’s already taking shape in a really cool way. I don’t want to give too much away but we feel very good about it. The creative part is not the issue, it’s just time. We’re so busy touring that it’s going to take a while. But we have everything we need as far as a creative outlet goes and the creative space.”

You can read our full interview with Noah inside the Rock Sound Awards Issue, available at SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV, link in bio

📸 Bryan Kirks

#badomens #badomenscult #noahsebastian #metal #metalcore #alternative


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