ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 11月18日 02時48分

I am celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the launch of my exhibition PlantPower at the Natural History Museum in London by releasing the project on SHOWstudio.com !
" This morning, you ate and drank plants. You may not think so, but you’re even wearing plants right now. Plant-based fuel transported you to where you are now and powers the light in your home. Plants are present in more spaces than we think - they exist beyond the green spaces we associate them with and are fundamental to human existence.
Celebrating this, thirty years ago, the @natural_history_museum called on myself
and architect @david.chipperfield to collaborate on the exhibition ‘Plant Power’ with botanist Sandy Knapp, focusing on the significance that plants have on the development of culture as we know it.
The project opens today on SHOWstudio.com with exciting updates and interviews to follow !"


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