ショーン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(shawnjohnson) - 11月12日 04時46分

I love recreating special at-home spa moments with my daughter – a routine my mom did with me! #ad @johnsonsbaby recently shared results from their Routine Report [a survey speaking to generational raising and their larger #TogetherWeRaise campaign!] where one stat even speaks to how consistent bath time routines have remained important over generations (54% of parents bathe their child at least once a day and 51% of grandparents agreed). So while times may have changed since I was a kid, I hope the memories of the time I spend with my daughter still stay as strong as mine did with my mom ♥️ 🛁 After all, there’s nothing saying that bath time has to be boring! If you have similar passed down parenting tips, share some in the comments.


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