ローレン・ポープのインスタグラム(laurenpopey) - 11月8日 06時22分

A slightly different post...Alot has been going on in the background as I have been adjusting to life as a single mum of two. I’m on this journey with as much positivity as humanly possible especially with everything going on in the world right now. I know that so many of you will be in the same situation & I hope that together we can navigate through this. You are not alone, I’m here living it with you.

I know first hand now how complicated & difficult life can become as a single parent, so with that in mind here are some of my time saving hacks that have made my life that little bit easier these past few months! If you have any other tips I would love to hear them…

👉🏼 Get things prepped for the next day - Just little things like laying out clothes, packing the school/ nappy bag & leaving them by the front door with shoes/ coats & I’ll schedule the next day in a list on an email draft so it’s easy to access & I delete as I go with timings of anything important so nothing is missed.
👉🏼 Keep on top of the mess - This can be hard with 2 messy toddlers but I try & clean as I go especially the kitchen. I also simplified & decluttered with a BIG clear out which also has been good for me mentally.
👉🏼 Online food shopping - I plan my meals for the week as much as poss so I know what to order & get delivered to save time & stress of taking the girls to the supermarket every week.
👉🏼 Meal prep - If I get some spare time i’ll try and get ahead with food prep so I’ll marinade & put in zipper bags ready to go, wash/peel/chop certain fruit & seal. Freeze leftovers for easy lunches or last minute dinners.
👉🏼 Turn clothes the right way round as you go, before putting them in the wash bin - Sounds menial but it saves so much time when they come out of the tumble dryer in bulk not having to turn them the right way round before folding them.

That’s just a few tips for now, I’ll keep sharing if this kind of thing helps!


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