タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 11月2日 10時50分

I have a question for those of you that are way more informed… What did you thinking these questions and his answers?

And have we come to a place in the world where people only care about issues and topics and politics when it comes to their people “THEIR PEOPLE”

I have gotten many text messages and phone calls with people asking me to “Pick a SIDE…??

I'm gonna say it again…. I want WORLD PEACE…. I want this WAR TO END.. I am praying for HUMANITY…. I along with real prayer warriors are asking for a CEASE FIRE…. It doesn't matter to most of us WHO started this… Or who's at fault this is all so very traumatic and painful to watch…..

I hope that when you see this video where @realjohngray spoke about the WARS…. It was so powerful and specific….. I’m sorry that this is all happening I am praying for the day and night trauma that's being inflicted on ALL SIDES…. Join me in praying for WORLD PEACE!!!!!!

Should they fire BLATANT RACIST that work in Congress?? Should they fire police officers who kill innocent black and brown people everyday??????

Should we as Americans fire everyone who is racist who’s a political figure? Governor’s, mayors?

Should prisons be shut down because the WARDEN is abusing his power while overseeing inmates?

The point is… Racism and discrimination has NO PLACE in our world…. My ♥️ is so effected by the horrible treatment of HUMANITY…. I just don’t want to piss you off by telling you…. That shouldn’t ONLY CARE about the things that affect you or your “people” directly…. We need to keep this same energy and compassion towards EVERYONE…. Whatever Race, whatever religion whatever sexual preference, whatever tax bracket, everyone deserves to be honored, showing respect and getting a sense of belonging instead of being black and brown, Jewish or Muslim, gay or straight and having people to make political decisions and then around your life that will forever changed and affect you your neighborhood, your city, your community, your country….. Have a HEART ❤️ and compassion towards HUMANITY… Cease fire please on all sides… Please God make this ongoing trauma go away…. If you agree say AMEN!!!!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




