Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 10月26日 05時58分

You know what that Sacred Land means to Papa Bear. My Heart is with every living being, from an Ant, to a Human. In my Heart, there is only Hope and Gratitude that finally Humanity’s debt to our Father in Heaven and on Earth, is about to be completely paid, so that finally, we will learn the most important lesson taught to us: “TIANXIA: ALL EQUAL UNDER HEAVEN.” As I have been telling all of you that have listened, we are living in Biblical Times. The Dark Side Of Humanity, who your Faithful servant has been talking about for almost 10 years is about to reach its Crescendo. The next coming months until June 20 of 2024, The Summer Solstice, will be the way in which Divine Justice will be finally served in order to Purify the wrecked Human Spirit in order to finally, thanks to The Mercifulness of God, ascend once more to The Kingdom. So just like I have been telling you all along, specially in these past weeks, when my Tongue has been finally unleashed, things will get unbelievably crazy, and all of Humanity’s worst fears will materialize. But finally, when Humanity has lost all Hope and sees that it has lost everything, The Truth will be revealed in all of the Four Directions of this Universe. Until then, I Beg you to open your Heart to The Love Of/From God. Release all hate, anger, jealousy, greed and envy from your Heart. Make space for the Love that is coming from God. The Prophecy has already been completed, what you are seeing is the result of that Sacred Pact between God and Humanity. ONE HUMANITY. ONE PLANET. ONE GOD.


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