LEGOのインスタグラム(lego) - 9月23日 15時08分

#AD Crocs might have epic strength and koalas may have incredible hearing, but we humans are also lucky enough to have superpowers. Yes, all of us!
I believe that play gives us all the power to reach our full potential, so I’m proud to be teaming up with @LEGO to help encourage families to reprioritise play in their day and find out for themselves what superpowers play gives them.
For me, play as a child taught me the superpower of connection, both to others and to the world around me. My favourite place to play was in a treehouse that my dad built for me- it was where I felt most connected to him and to the nature I love so much. Being able to connect with other people and the world around me is a superpower that has benefitted me throughout my life and that’s why I make sure that I prioritise playtime for my family- so they can develop their own superpowers. I hope we inspire everyone to do the same for the kids in their lives!
To find out how Play is Your Superpower visit
To find out more about the LEGO Group’s ambitious sustainability targets and progress visit


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