ニオミ・スマートのインスタグラム(niomismart) - 9月14日 22時34分

🌟 Safety.
What do I mean by ‘safety’?
We all long for a place where we can truly be ourselves, without fear of judgment or rejection. That feeling of safety, of being fully seen and accepted, is something I believe we all crave deep within our souls.

I’ve spoken about ‘safety’ in previous posts, and I wanted to speak into this a bit further.

A feeling of safety extends to our emotional and spiritual security, not just the physical. What I’m referring to is the safety I feel from deep connection, either with self or with another.

For me, feeling safe is feeling nurtured and supported in my growth - a safe space where I’m encouraged to explore my true self, expand spiritually, and speak my truth without judgement.

This deep sense of belonging arises from love, appreciation, understanding, and acceptance - not only from others, but the love and acceptance we cultivate within ourselves, allowing us to embrace our true selves.

I’ve found safety creates space to discover parts of ourselves that have long been forgotten. When we’re in a heightened stressed state, our mind, body, and soul only has a certain capacity to heal. In a safe space, you can lean in to those areas that are longing to be seen, heard, and healed.

That’s what I mean by safety. A security. It’s about cultivating relationships and environments that empower us to flourish in every aspect of our being. 🌟

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