タック・ワトキンスのインスタグラム(tucwatkins) - 9月3日 22時47分

Beyond age twenty-one, birthdays tend to obey the “Law of Diminishing Returns.” [Record scratch⚡️] YESTERDAY WAS A GODDAMN BALL! My kids repeatedly beat me at CLUE🔍, but I kicked their asses at SORRY! ♟️and then we ate an 🍊🎂! Thanks to everyone near and far who sent me a thought, dialed me up, and made my birthday so much flippin’ fun! Especially Catchen, Curtis, Andrew, Jane, Dianne and Vince who showed me so much
The reason we always see so many “You’re so old” birthday cards on the shelves is because NO ONE is BUYING them. They just sit there unpurchased because they’re akin to insulting someone as they navigate a minefield. Do better, #GreetingCardCompanies! 😝


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



