ミーシャ・テイトのインスタグラム(mieshatate) - 8月31日 01時38分

You know what feels better than checking off the items on your TO DO list❔
CELEBRATING the fact that you’re checking items off your TO DO list❕

We feel GUILT more than we feel GOOD, but why⁉️Why is it that when we hit all the marks we feel a minimal sense of accomplishment, more like we hit the baseline.

Our brains 🧠 are wired to remember negativity because back in the day, bad things were important to remember for survival like that berry you ate that made you to sh** for 3 days straight, or the cave that had a bear in it that tried to eat you.

We no longer live in a world where this typically essential for survival, SO the good news is we have our conscious brains that can override the negativity biased thinking.

All you need to do is consciously focus on your successes!
Said no to desert 🧁tonight?WOHOOOO!! Went to the #gym when you didn’t feel like it? 💪
HELL YES you did!!
Knocked off the to do list?!! You a BAD M’fer 🥳

It’s time you started to throw a party of #positive thoughts and rewarding feelings when you “stick the landing” so to speak.

Notice how awesome you are, and how hard you work every single damn day. Celebrate your actions and #celebrate yourself.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



