パメラ・ライフのインスタグラム(pamela_rf) - 8月11日 01時12分

New 15min Video 🫶🏼 all you need or your upper body 💪🏼 follow me along on Y or save the exercises here 👀 no cardio, just strength!

All exercises in this video follow what I would do in a “free weights area” in the gym. Combined in nice supersets, with minimal breaks to make it verrrrrrry efficient in minimal time 🚀 without all the blabla in between, this is probably what you would do in 30min in the gym haha! 😬

Muscle Groups:
- back = beautiful posture, good power to lift things, bye back pain
- chest = if life throws you to the ground... you’re strong enough to push yourself up
- biceps = for the inner hulk
- shoulders + triceps = anti flabby arms

Let me know how you like the new workout!! xxx

#pamelareif #workout #strength #upperbody #training #fitness


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