DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 7月15日 09時29分

The photo that started it all 😍 I vividly remember my thought process as I shopped for these baby pjs to dress the boys in… At the time I was hell bent on proving a point (to my 253 followers most of whom were my own family 😂) that Staffies were not the monsters they were made out to be. I wanted to show the boys in their natural habitat, snuggled up together on the couch, which is what they did night after night. Little did I know that news outlets all over the world would stumble upon the boys and spread their pics and my message far and wide across the world. After this photo was shared we gained about 50,000 new friends on here who have all been a huge part of our lives ever since. Lots of you have been here since this very photo 🥺😍 You’ve come along an incredible journey with us, you’ve shared your own messages about Staffies and pitbulls being the best breed ever alongside us and we’ve absolutely loved being part of this incredible community. All this to say that I’m so incredibly thankful I found all of you. This pic is the inspiration behind our next collection and I’m so excited to see my little zozzy boy come to life on them. I’ll share a pic of the print later, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 🥺😍♥️♥️ @darrenandphillip


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