sacaiのインスタグラム(sacaiofficial) - 7月5日 22時00分

アントワープ発のファッションマガジン『A Magazine Curated By』はsacaiの創設者兼デザイナー、阿部千登勢を第25号のキュレーターとして迎え、 『a magazine curated by sacai 』の雑誌を本日より販売。
sacai Aoyamaとsacaiオンラインストアに加え、明日からはDover Street Market Ginza内のBIBLIOTHECAとTSUTAYA代官山で雑誌とともにTシャツを発売。

A MAGAZINE CURATED BY sacai is officially available now at sacai Aoyama, sacai online store, and will be available at BIBLIOTHECA located inside Dover street Market Ginza and TSUTAYA Daikanyama starting July 6th.

#sacai #sacaiTHEpeople

What does Love mean to you?

To me, love is selflessness. The absence of ego. When you live for, and in many cases are willing to die for a person, a place, a thing or an idea. When you invest that much belief and appreciation into something or someone.
Aside from my family and closest friends, I can’t say that there’s anything I love more than, or even as much as art. I don’t only mean that which you can see. I speak of “The arts” in their entirety. Music, literature, movement, theater.. The medium is ever evolving. Medium is the just tool with which we are most articulate when telling a story. Without the saving grace of the arts, my story would’ve ended long ago.

photography: @arnold_daniel
styling: #Me and #Mu
hair: @darien267


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する






