And Youのインスタグラム(dolphinsandyou) - 5月18日 05時52分

The Hawaiian green sea turtle, or honu, is one of Hawaii’s most beloved animals. These turtles have been an important part of Hawaiian culture for centuries, and their presence in the islands is an important part of Hawaiian identity.

Honu are an endangered species in Hawaii, but they still have a strong presence in the islands. They can be seen in shallow coastal waters, often basking in the sun on the beach. They are also found in the deeper waters of the Hawaiian Islands, where they feed on algae, seagrass, and other sea creatures.

Honu play an important role in keeping the Hawaiian coral reef ecosystems healthy. They help to keep the reefs clean by eating seaweed and other organisms that can damage the coral. 

The Hawaiian green sea turtle is also an important cultural symbol. They are revered in Hawaiian culture as a symbol of longevity, wisdom, and good luck. The turtle’s shell is believed to represent the genealogy of the Hawaiian people, and its presence in the islands is believed to bring good fortune.

By protecting and conserving the Hawaiian green sea turtle, we can ensure that these amazing creatures will remain a part of Hawaii’s identity and culture for generations to come.

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