ボニー・モーガンのインスタグラム(bendybonnie) - 5月17日 05時43分

Why am I always the last to know? While skipping down, Sunset Blvd, minding my own business, I happened upon a great big billboard that I somehow seem to be on! Imagine my surprise! Thank you @renaissancepleasurefaire for making me the Face Of The Faire and making me feel bigger than life!! And thanks to Dad for keeping me from getting on the billboard … probably for the best One weekend, left to come out and frolic in the Shire! #shenanigans #renfaire #adventuresofbendybonnie #adventuresofbonanddad #imonabillboard #kingoffools #itsgoodtobetheking #sunsetblvd #imsomebody #renaissancepleasurefaire #tomfoolery #icouldnthelpmyself #imsoexcited #bendybonnie


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