プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 5月14日 14時43分

A Golden Night. Oh, what a night!

Seeing so many of us celebrating and rooting for each other with so much love, respect, and reverence was emotional. For decades we have either downplayed or have never been given any platform to share our incredible stories. We fought for it, demanded it and eventually, when they felt a little "generous", they gave us the crumbs. We saw that and built Gold House. We made our table a decision-making and celebratory one. We created a community that rooted and showed up for each other. We took the trauma, pain of invisibility and turned it into action. The result is there for you all to see.

What astounds me is that it's just the 2nd annual #GoldGala and less than four years of Gold House's existence, and the impact is quantifiable and inspiring thanks to the incredible leadership of @BingChen and JeremyNTran.

You had to be there to witness the collective love of and from the community and beyond. To see the entire cast of Joy Luck Club celebrated was very emotional. The impactful joy that Gold House brings could be felt throughout–titans of every industry, from entertainment to business to technology to politics to social justice, attended. Allies from other communities equally rejoicing in our celebration felt like I was finally in a dream I had dreamt all these years. A table and space so diverse that my life's " stronger in colour" mantra finally manifested into a reality. It was palpable not just to me but to everyone out there. Celebration with intention creates change, and the entire Gold House team created a substantive, celebratory gala that I will forever remember.

As Instyle rightfully said, "You may not have realised it, but last week was host to not one but two major Galas." The Met Gala and Gold Gala."

Luckily I had the privilege to attend both and walked away from them feeling inspired and energised because witnessing the body of work of all these creatives, artists, entrepreneurs etc., celebrated and in attendance was inspiring and humbling.

I realise now I have miles to go before I sleep.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





