サラ・ライトのインスタグラム(swrightolsen) - 5月11日 23時21分

Happy 15th anniversary to the @businessofbeingborn and a pinch me moment as we celebrate with this week’s guests, @rickilake and @abbyepsteinxoxo !! This film deeply impacted @テリーサ・パーマー and I and set the course for our soul searching birth journeys! We talk about the maternal mortality rate, how we desperately need this film in our lives again and how much home birth, doula and midwifery care has grown since the film’s release in 2008. We are honored and over the moon to help champion the free streaming week May 10th-14th for Mother’s Day and hope that all of our dazies will listen to the episode, watch the film and spread the word!!
Tell us how this movie impacted your life!! #themotherdaze #thebusinessofbeingborn


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




