La Roche-Posayのインスタグラム(larocheposay) - 5月11日 17時30分

Give your skin the power to fight dark spots with our result-driven formula. A trio of active ingredients that make for a brighter complexion. Try Pure NIACINAMIDE 10 Serum Today for life-changing results that speak for themselves 📢

✅ 21 % intensity of dark spots at 8 weeks*

Ready to say goodbye to dull moments and dull skin? Raise your hand if this serum is making it into your skincare routine! 🙋‍♀️
*clinical study on 103 subjects

All languages spoken here! Feel free to talk to us at anytime.
#larocheposay #niacinamide10 #serum #antiageing #sensitiveskin
Global official page from La Roche-Posay, France.


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