ニック・ウースタのインスタグラム(nickwooster) - 5月5日 00時59分

#nutrafolpartner A lot of people know me because of my hair and as I age it’s more of a concern. I love @nutrafolmen because they take care of my hair growth so that I can focus on my life. I’ve been taking it for months and I’ve noticed a visible difference in my hair’s thickness. I’ve had a crazy few months of travel with a fashion collaboration I’ve been working on and I like that I’m able to throw my weight into it and not worry on each Zoom call and in-person meeting if my hair is looking like it’s thinning. It’s a relief when I step into a meeting, take a photo, catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I know I don’t have to worry about my hair. All those moments add up to a lot – time I could have spent on my craft and my passions. Hair health is just like every aspect of our health: take care of it proactively so you can dedicate more time doing what you love.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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