エド・シーランのインスタグラム(teddysphotos) - 3月20日 23時02分

I’ve always been guarded of my personal life; the only documentary I’ve ever made has been one that focused on my songwriting. Disney approached me to make a four-part documentary on the making of my next album Subtract. Initially the documentary was just that, a documentary on the formation of an album. But, as my life took a few twists and turns, the subject matter of the album changed, and so did the documentary. It became something completely different to what I thought it would be. I wanted to provide context to the album as it touches on very personal things, that we all experience. I knew if I made a documentary, I would want to put my trust in the hands of the director, so it wouldn’t be sculpted by me, and was actually an accurate reflection of who I am, even if it’s uncomfortable to watch. The team at @fulwell73productions have done a fantastic job of that. I hope you guys connect with this 4-part series, The Sum Of It All, streaming May 3rd @disneyplus.


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