Marnie The Dogのインスタグラム(marniethedog) - 12月22日 07時32分

This week is the 10th anniversary of Marnie’s Gotcha Day— the day I adopted her. I’d like to share these sweet photos I received of young Marnie, from before she was accidentally lost into the shelter system.

Marnie was adopted from a disturbing shelter with a bad rap in Connecticut in Dec 2012. A heart-breaking chorus of freezing dogs caged outside greeted me as the taxi pulled up (later civilian protests led to State intervention). I pursued adoption because I felt rescuing Marnie (named “Stinky”) was the priority. I had little experience with dogs despite always feeling a connection… the traditional Middle Eastern Jewish culture I grew up in was all about children, not pets, but from a single photo on, I was called by those all-knowing eyes filled with a longing for a fate bigger & better.

Marnie was depressed, stinky, and filthy, my palms sweaty with fear— I was terrified signing the paperwork. But she smiled joyously as we started our journey home, her social Libra Sun & adventurous Sagittarius Moon showing, as we waited for the Metro-North train back to NYC. She was darling!

Estimated to be 8, she was actually 11, born 10/21/2001, which I learned years later when Marnie’s fame exploded and she made her way to the explore page of her previous (2nd) owner, Heidie Colon-Rosa (@mrshcrosa ). Tragic accidents beyond our control do happen in life, they just do, and Marnie (then named Chi-Chi) got lost and Heidie could not find her while she was 8 months pregnant with twins, despite, of course, trying her hardest.

In tears and laughter, we exchanged stories of Marnie’s insistent demands for 1000% companionship at all times. I visited her beautiful family & they gave Marnie a sweater they knitted for her. It fills my heart with absolute joy knowing that Marnie spent her early life being cared for by such a warm soul. Surely, it rubbed off on to Marnie. So, this Gotcha Day, this Holiday Season, I want to thank Heidie, as well as all of you, for helping give Marnie a life filled with as much love as every dog deserves. Wishing you & yours a beautiful holiday season ♥️-Shirley (@shirley_braha)


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