ニッキー・ヒルトンのインスタグラム(nickyhilton) - 9月22日 00時58分

When I joined the board of @godslovenyc, my goal was to engage the next generation, starting by teaching my children the importance of giving back. Last night we launched our Young Hearts Friends Fest at the @museumoficecream. Children from all over the city came. We learned about the amazing work GLWD does every day to keep their clients healthy. In addition to their usual, delicious, medically tailored meal, clients will be receiving cards made by the kids, and a few more families now know about the work we are doing.

Thank you to @museumoficecream for so generously hosting us at your sugar palace.

Huge thank you to all of our friends who came out to support this wonderful cause. 🫶💋💞🥹💋🫶
Can’t wait for the next one!

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