ブライアン・マックナイトのインスタグラム(brianmcknight23) - 6月20日 08時44分


I wrote this song for our son Kekoa way back in January it took me 2 more months after that before I could sing it in public and even now I still sing Kekoa’s song with tears in my eyes. Today on Father’s Day I sing your song thanking you and your sister and brother Julia and Jack for the greatest privilege and honor of being your father. Mommy and I speak your name everyday we love you so much u are with us forever. And to my incredible wife @leilani_211 thank you for making me the father that I am. I am so proud of our family.

Happy Father’s Day to all the other fathers out there!

#iloveourlife #mrandmrsmcknight #brianized #knightandlei
#ohana #fathersday22


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