マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 6月10日 01時20分

Elevation Grant Recipient Jade Begay

“What inspired my ancestor’s ancestors to migrate? Was it curiosity? Was it an ancient volcano eruption? How can it be true that as Indigenous People we can remain anchored in our land-based identities while living into the demands of the Earth by being migratory? And, perhaps most immediately, how can this wisdom support us now as we face the impacts of climate change? Where do we look for the map toward survival?

These are the questions that this journey have brought to the surface. The questions I’ve been able to dive into with reverence.

The Elevation Grant has given me the ability to explore a curiosity I’ve held since I was little and now that curiosity is evolving and expanding into a project that will support my community understanding and preserving an ancient migration story that can inform how we adapt and move with humility as we face inevitable migration and changes throughout the climate crisis.

In being able to create materials for this project, we have received more funding to keep going and to develop this project in a way that gives dignity to the depth of this story.

Look out for more content in the coming year.”

Videography and words: Jade Begay (@jadethemighty)



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