モンブランのインスタグラム(montblanc) - 5月31日 17時33分

Our Patron of Art series has been celebrating prominent supporters of artistic movements throughout history since 1992. After 30 years we are bringing the series to an end with new writing instruments celebrating the British Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. The Patron of Art Homage to Victoria Limited Edition 888 features a cap and barrel made of red lacquer and a solid gold overlay, inspired by her coronation outfit, while the Patron of Art Homage to Albert Limited Edition 888 pays tribute to Prince Albert and his work, with a solid gold overlay inspired by the iconic Crystal Palace exhibition centre.

#MontblancPatronOfArts #Montblanc #InspireWriting


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The Macallanのインスタグラム
The Macallanさんがフォロー
