ジーニー・チェンマイのインスタグラム(thejeanniemai) - 3月9日 08時20分

This International Women’s Day, I want to honor and pray for the survivors and those affected by sex trafficking. Out of 4 million victims globally, 99% are women and girls are sexually exploited. And out of this, 2% make it out alive to tell us about it. I am honored to have executive produced our second documentary to share the stories of survivors from around the world, directed and produced by the brave & unstoppable director and producer @siddhalishree and @sadhvianubhuti. On March 25th, our documentary, @survivingsextraffickingfilm will be showing in select theatres across the US, and I’m honored to share our trailer with you today. Please do ask me and our team any and all questions below about trafficking so that we can educate and protect one another. Happy International Women’s Day ❤️


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