Vogue Parisのインスタグラム(voguefrance) - 1月31日 20時47分

Des dessins colorés et poétiques, une sensibilité touchante, une allure inimitable... L'artiste et mannequin @gabrielle.rul vous emmène dans les coulisses de sa journée 100% parisienne et résolument créative entre la visite de l'incontournable Sennelier, un café bien mérité ou encore un moment de création à même le mur chez elle. Le tout armée de son indispensable montre Huawei Watch GT3. Laissez vous inspirer en vidéo.

Tag along with the artist and model @gabrielle.rul as she goes about her very Parisian and decidedly creative day. Discover her colorful and poetic drawings and her unique style, which is characterized by a touching sensitivity. Join her as she stops by the must-visit store Sennelier for art supplies and inspiration, has a well-deserved coffee break and gets creative by giving the walls at her home an arty makeover - all armed with her essential Huawei Watch GT3. Get inspired by watching the video!

Directed by @louisfaury; director of photography @gregoire_delillo; produced by @Vogue Paris; styled by @emmanuelledeluze; hair and makeup by @sergiohairparis


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