ガル・ガドットのインスタグラム(gal_gadot) - 12月16日 02時05分

WOW! 😱
I'm completely shocked and so incredibly thankful to @ドリュー・バリモア for this amazing surprise!
and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little teary eyed because of your kind words...
You are a true inspiration, always sticking up and showing love and support to other women in the industry and all around, I'm such a fan of yours.
@allgoodles really does bring out strong emotions out of everyone 😜

What a GOODER way to start the day!
@thedrewbarrymoreshow @helloross


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
