ジェン・セルターのインスタグラム(jenselter) - 10月13日 10時17分

“Why/how are you single?” One of the most asked questions… Lets talk about the power of being alone.. As females, society pushes us to believe that we need a man in our lives to feel complete or successful. Or we should be engaged/married by a certain age. This is NOT true at all!! You have everything you need within YOURSELF to succeed and be happy. It’s important to embrace being alone, or you'll never know if you're with someone out of love or loneliness. Don’t rush anything when it comes to choosing a life partner. I’ve been in a few long term relationships, but being alone the past 2 years, I’ve been very content. I’m able to really focus and find myself. There is strength in knowing your value and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!! Don’t ever settle to just settle! Settle when the right person walks into your life and treats you the way you deserve to be treated!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




