ナスチャのインスタグラム(kiker_chan) - 9月6日 21時20分

How does it feel to be different?

Most of the time for me, as a person who born in late 90s in Moscow, looking special always makes me feeling in a huge attention from others . And only last years I could share my character through modeling, where the fashion says “be yourself and respect every look. Be kind abd patient. Be different”. Last years fashion changes a lot, we can see how inclusive can be this world. People are respecting different cultures, religions and I think this is a big step forward bright future for all of us.
@コチネレ just made a new bag with @バービー about inclusivity saying #TheFutureIsLimitless what reminds us about changes of our society, that in a few years we did such a big move to tolerance and i’m so honored to share my experience and tell to the audience that whatever happens, be yourself and never give up! We’re that people who will teach tolerance to others, we’ll tell future generations about disabilities, acceptance to oneself and others. And share love to this world. This is the most important point we would never dream about few years ago.

#TheFutureIsLimitless @コチネレ @バービー


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