ブリトニー・スピアーズのインスタグラム(britneyspears) - 7月23日 06時09分

So what do you guys do to keep your dreams alive ???? Just curious cause at this point I'm not sure it's a good idea to listen to advice from some people. Yesterday I realized all my tennis shoes were gone ... I like them because I dance three hours most days and my feet hurt so I put tennis shoes on so my feet feel nice ... well all of mine are old so I ordered four new pairs and they came in five weeks ago but they were all too big so I've been without them for a long time !!!! So when I woke up yesterday and remembered I had none I pulled a Carrie Bradshaw and ordered a bunch of new shoes online !!!! My assistants HUMBLING APPROACH why don’t you just see what you can find in your closet DID NOT WORK ANYMORE ... I chose to BLOW and guess what ... my feet are soaring these days ... I'm not gonna stop buying tennis shoes and heels ever 👟👠 !!!! I'm not gonna settle and considering the other day I said I feel like I'm just getting here ... THAT'S AN UNDERSTATEMENT !!!! It's been a while since I drove alone and well let's just say it's a DIFFERENT BALLGAME cause I’m not sure this stadium 🏟 is gonna be anywhere near America !!!! Here is me dancing to PUMPED UP KICKS after cleaning my REAL living room with no Tic Toc but a real grandfather clock that has a hidden door you can hide in ... I know I'm a kid at heart !!!! After cleaning my cherry floors I did my own version of play and cleaned with my new PUMPED UP KICKS ... literally ... and look I'm flying !!!! Maybe I'll just be nice and plant here and keep my dreams alive by thinking about visiting St. Tropez with @シェール and eating ice cream ... She was one of my favorite singers as a kid and I loved to dress up as her ... and thinking about having a six pack like @ジェニファー・ロペス ... Lord she's so inspiring in her new video !!!! Again this is me with hope ... love ... and intention ... by the way I do intend on going to the ball after I clean my house 😂😉😉 !!!!!


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