シャイアン・ジャクソンのインスタグラム(mrcheyennejackson) - 7月13日 07時43分

This is baby Cheyenne. Today is my birthday. Birthdays are weird. Sometimes I’m into them, and sometimes I wish they would just quickly pass by under the radar so I can just get on with it. It’s hard for me to receive love. I know others can relate to this notion. I’m working on it. It’s a practice. On my 40th birthday Jason threw me a surprise party and everyone I knew and loved was there to celebrate me and love me. I was miserable the entire time. I feel horrible saying that because of all the work he put into it, and what kind of an ungrateful jerk would be unhappy at his own surprise party? But I just couldn’t let it in. It was overwhelming. All the people, all the energy coming at me. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t just be in the moment and allow people to love me. Today I’m allowing the love in and today is about GRATITUDE. Today I’m grateful for my health. Today I’m grateful for my wonderful husband and incredible children. I’m grateful for the opportunity to make art and make a living doing it. I’m grateful for my family and extended family. I’m grateful for my group of friends that have been there with me through it all. I’m grateful for music and art and tough conversations. But most of all I’m grateful that today, I am choosing to let the love in.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



