アリシア・デブナム・キャリーのインスタグラム(alyciajasmin) - 4月2日 12時16分

I used to never want to put myself playing kit out on the internet. I felt too shy and embarrassed. I haven’t played in years and I’m real rusty. But I genuinely love it. I’m also a perfectionist and that often gets in the way of me having fun. So I wanted to put myself out here re-learning, as an exercise to myself; to being imperfect and to having fun. To learning, to growing and to sharing something you love with people who might want to open themselves up too. Here’s to doing something that makes me happy whether I’m good at it or not. 🥁

Notable mention to me checking out my ponytail because it’s on point. ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





