ジョン・ステイモスのインスタグラム(johnstamos) - 3月18日 08時59分

Just a mere 42 years ago, and a junior at J.F.K. high school, I flew to Ireland with my marching band to compete on St. Patrick's Day. We had to raise money by selling candy bars - sadly, many kids didn't sell enough. I took a few boxes and peddled them in the parking lot of Disneyland - (likely frowned upon these days)
So we were mostly comprised of 2nd and 3rd chair players. The B or C team, if you will. But we had heart & determination, damn it! We would practice in the streets at 5 AM (pissing off the neighbors), go to school, and then practice after school until it got dark. (re- pissing off the neighbors) Needless to say, we came home with 1st or 2nd place trophies across the board. I learned two valuable lessons; A. hard work, focus, dedication, and believing in yourself can really pay off. And B. Never kiss a big rock unless you know where's it's been. (I came home with something weird on my lip) Go #fightingirish🍀 #happystpatricksday. #ProudBandGeek


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