Honolulu Myohoji Missionのインスタグラム(honolulumyohoji) - 3月1日 08時03分


👉🏽 See our previous post for story 8-1.

When I first read Brene Brown’s book The Power of Vulnerability and listened to her TedTalk (https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability), this image of a scared little girl came to mind. This mental image of a scared child was a part of myself that I’ve tried so hard to hide from friends, colleagues, and even myself. I felt that I needed to ignore this little girl within myself to project a strong and capable version of myself.

Within the Asian culture, it is common to feel a sense of disappointment if you are not living up to the standards that are set in society. I was often ashamed that I could not abide by my parents’ wishes to stay closer and take care of them. I even disappointed myself after being unable to give birth to a healthy baby despite the time, money, and energy that was invested into fertility treatments, which led to me eventually losing my marriage. By this time, I was hiding from my friends that I was struggling with my career, finances, and the way my life was headed. Brene Brown’s words highlighted the fact that I was unhappy because I was simply unable to face why I was feeling unhappy. I wrongly found myself blaming my circumstances for my unhappiness.

#ハワイ #ハワイ好きな人と繋がりたい #ハワイだいすき #ハワイ好き #ハワイに恋して #ハワイ大好き #ハワイ生活 #ハワイ行きたい #ハワイ暮らし #オアフ島 #ホノルル妙法寺 #思い出 #honolulumyohoji #honolulumyohojimission
#御朱印女子 #開運 #穴場 #パワースポット #hawaii #hawaiilife #hawaiian #luckywelivehawaii #hawaiiliving #hawaiistyle #hawaiivacation
#healing #meditation #transcendence #lifecoach


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