ナスティア・リューキンのインスタグラム(nastialiukin) - 2月27日 09時55分

To put this day into words is always a challenge for me. And on this year, the 12th year, putting these indescribable feelings into words might be the most challenging yet. This past year will go down in history as perhaps one of the most trying, dark years of our generation. But from darkness, comes light. Today was proof of that.

Each time I walk into the NL Cup arena, it never quite feels real. What was once just a dream has now become a reality we get to experience every year. I am always so incredibly proud of the athletes and coaches who qualify for this event, but this year hits differently. This group of young women who have faced and lived through a year like no other, who have continued to work hard, despite being out of training for months, showed up today and left everything on the competition floor. I applaud them, and I’m beyond inspired by their resilience, passion, and perseverance.

Thank you for being the shining light in our worlds today. I will forever remember this #nastiacup, pink rhinestone mask and all 💕xoxo NL


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