林俊傑のインスタグラム(jjlin) - 2月24日 22時03分

是這樣的:從小我就一直夢想著有一天能為迪士尼唱歌和表演。 去上學的途中,我都會練唱 「A Whole New World」並熟背歌曲裡面的每一句歌詞。⠀

如果說沉迷於迪士尼的教會我一件事,那就是只要你勇於相信,原來“阿拉丁的神奇魔毯”是真的! (並努力去追求!)⠀

謝謝 A Night with Disney+ 讓我的夢想光彩閃耀、絢爛壯闊,成真了!⠀

So here’s the thing: it has been my dream since I was a boy, to sing and perform for Disney one day. I would be walking to school and practicing lines from “A Whole New World”.⠀
If being indulged with Disney fantasies taught me one thing, it would be that “magic carpet rides” are real, as long as you dare to believe! (And work extremely hard for them!)⠀
So here it is, my dream come true, “shining, shimmering, and splendid!”⠀

@disneyplussg #DisneyPlusSG⠀


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