ジョアンナ・ガルシアのインスタグラム(jogarciaswisher) - 2月15日 01時44分

I was searching high and low for a good photo to post for you on your birthday, mom. This one made me laugh out loud. But it also made me think about that saying ‘I’m turning into my mother!’ It’s crazy when you realize just how much we carry inside of us from our parents. And I’m going to show Emme and sailor this pic as proof that powering through an ‘up do’ is just how we do it in our family...both for stylist and client 😂 I also remember how much I loved this poodle skirt, because freaking amazing AND because YOU made it for me. Mom, growing up I was so proud that my mother was the craftiest gal in town. You were always so ‘extra’ but in the absolute best way. And every time I think of a new project to share with the girls, I think of how you inspired and instilled this precious tradition inside of my guts. Your memory may have been robbed from you these past few years, but the imprint and inspiration that is uniquely you is still very much alive and still blessing your family. The torch you set ablaze lives on and will always reflect and illuminate just how incredible you are. Happy Birthday. I love you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



