エヴァンジェリン・リリーのインスタグラム(evangelinelillyofficial) - 2月6日 09時00分

I felt like I was hanging with three of the kindest, most respectful and interested friends when I spoke with Craig, Brett and Vanessa with @beyondthemousepod They took so much time to really let a real and natural conversation meander and breathe - maybe my favourite thing about podcast interviews. I will DEFINITELY be doing more of these in the future.

We talk Squickerwonkers, LOST, Hobbit and Marvel; we talk parenting, fame, passion and struggle. Check it out on @nprillinois Spotify or YouTube (link in bio).

And check out my SquickerSeries at @thesquickerwonkers www.thesquickerwonkers.com

#thesquickerwonkers #LOST #TheHobbit @Marvel Entertainment @marvelstudios #marvel #wasp #antmanandthewasp #parenting #kidsbooks #childrensbookseries #passionproject #illustrations


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