ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月6日 07時01分

What’s a typical immigrant story?

In an interview with @nytmag, Steven Yeun talks with Jay Caspian Kang, exploring the complex layers of Asian-American immigrants’ experience.

“Sometimes I wonder if the Asian-American experience is what it’s like when you’re thinking about everyone else, but nobody else is thinking about you,” @スティーヴン・ユァン said.

He is best known for his star turn in the “Walking Dead,” and his starring roles in a pair of films by Korean directors, “Okja” and the critically lauded “Burning.” Now, he plays a patriarch in the newly released “Minari,” a movie about a Korean immigrant family that takes up farming in rural Arkansas. Yeun was born in Seoul and, later, his family moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. Within a few years, Yeun’s family relocated to suburban Detroit, where his parents opened a beauty-supply store for Black customers in the city.

Yeun remembers being a happy kid in Korea. “The family put me on this pedestal,” he said. “I was a cute kid with pale skin and light brown hair, and everyone was proud of that. Then we moved to Regina, and I went from feeling that attention to all of a sudden coming to the middle of nowhere and being pulled kicking and screaming into kindergarten.”

This duality — his ability to coexist within different cultures and experiences — informed not only his life, but also his acting. Yeun felt as if he came out of some new mold of race and representation, an immigrant actor who could simply just be a success, both in Hollywood and abroad.

He said he had also felt this self-doubt during his career — the feeling of helplessness that comes with realizing that nobody who looks like you has done the things you want to do. “It’s painful to feel that aware,” he said. But he also said he thought there were ways in which that hypersensitivity could become its own prison. “You can lock yourself into those patterns, and then all of a sudden you can’t even see outside of it,” he said. “You don’t see how you might be able to break through the system.”

Tap the link to read more about Yeun, his life and career in Hollywood. Photo by @emilyshur.


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