Weronika Bielikのインスタグラム(veronicabielik) - 2月1日 19時58分

I made this pic just after swimming and thought how nicely my stomach looked at that time. Then I looked at my face and realized how many blemishes it has nowadays and thought about removing them in one of those apps most of the girls have, to make ourselves look “prettier”. Which is not even really prettier. Older I am more I realize how much more real I want to be. For myself and for all of you. It’s harder to make knowing that my body is not fully natural and I can’t be a role model for many of you. But (!) decisions of my past won’t define me and my future so here I am, a little more vulnerable than usual because it simply feels right. Sending the warmest regards from Maldives to all of you. ♥️


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