ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 2月1日 14時57分

Over here just wondering why Jlo is saying she's never had Botox and only uses olive oil to keep her looking good at 50.
We start losing collagen at 25.
Both women AND men lose collagen and will show signs of aging. Sun damage, lifestyle choices and just age in general is what fucks us.
The better we take care of our bodies the easier the aging process will be.
BUTTTT for a face that does not move/ doesn't have wrinkles.... olive oil isn't the magic trick.
Let's just keep it fucking real.

✨Stay out of the sun
✨drink a shit ton of water
✨wear sunscreen no matter what
✨ don't smoke
✨ease up on drinking / caffeine
✨feed your body the fuel it needs
✨clean your face
✨change your pillowcases
✨take your vitamins
✨get supplements to help with anti-aging such as @1stphorm Collagen


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