カーキ・キングのインスタグラム(kakigram) - 1月31日 13時07分

It's little riffs and ideas like this that form the basis of most of my songs, but as I play things over and over they morph and grow and take directions that I couldn't have expected. Most things that I come up with on the fly are forgotten almost immediately. Once in a while one sticks in my head and fingers and that's my cue to work and work and work on it. But maybe I'll change my methods. Maybe this isn't meant to be more than this, but it doesn't need to be forgotten. Maybe this needs other instruments, or multiple other guitars. Drums? Words? (gasp--not those)! I'll sit with this one and likely it will lead me better than I can control it, but we'll see. Always good to try something different once in a while.

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